Five Lessons Sarah Teaches Us about Purpose in Woman Evolve

A book about how women can live their authentic lives

Isioma Ononye
6 min readDec 5, 2023
Photo taken from the Author

“Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears & Revolutionize Your Life,” is written for women to learn how to break free from negative, self-limiting thoughts and to learn how to live the life that God has called them to.

In the book, Sarah takes us through her journey and the life of Eve in the Bible: what we can learn from Eve in shaping and transforming our lives.

This book is a great read as we are coming to the close of 2023 and thinking about starting a new year.

It’s a book that helps you to reflect on yourself and get actionable tips on how to move forward in the right direction of your journey.

Here are some of my favourite lessons learned in the book.

#1: Your Thoughts Impact Your Life

In her book, Sarah tells us the story of the fall of Eve. How the serpent tricked her into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.

In telling us this, she infers that we all have some form of serpent in our lives. The serpent could be negative and lying thoughts that try to convince us of who we are not.

For us to live a life of purpose and meaning, we have to constantly question our thoughts and what we are choosing to believe about ourselves.

“Have you ever considered that your mind could be working against you and not for you? If your thoughts aren’t helping you become wiser, more compassionate, focused and disciplined, then what is it making you become?”

The Work It Out Section

Also, in the book, Sarah Jakes has sections that enable you to work it out.

When it comes to realizing how your thoughts impact your life, she shares tips that encourage you to recall moments of uncertainty and where you felt most inadequate.

For herself, she goes back to her teenage years. Being a pregnant teen. The shame and isolation she felt from the experience and how she needed to overcome negative thoughts to know that her teen pregnancy was not all her story would be about.

We’ve got to go back to moments when our sense of self was low. We’ve got to go back to moments when we did not feel good enough. What message did you need to know then and now?

#2: Confidence is a State of Action

“Confidence is the result of not only thinking good thoughts but also of knowing the truth and allowing the truth to change the way you show up in the world and improve your interaction with others.”

Sarah Jakes tells us that she wants women to view confidence in a different light. She wants us to know of spiritual confidence that all women can acquire.

The spiritual confidence is knowing your identity in God.

When you know your identity in Christ, your thoughts shift to not what you think and believing that you have to fake it but it creates a level of boldness to know that you can show up in a certain way. To know that your confidence is the most authentic representation of you because it is through God.

When I think about spiritual confidence, the scripture from Phillippians 4:13 comes to me. It is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

That is one of my favourite scriptures because it is a way to convince yourself to take action. To know that you are capable of doing what you set out to do because you come from a great God.

#3: Be Willing To Go Through Fire to Be Refined

“I realized that I was praying for the same testimony of strength and survival to be on my life as I’d witnessed on theirs, but I didn’t want the struggle that produces the strength.”

Simply put, Sarah Jakes tells us that we need to put in the work to be who God has called us to be.

This is a significant lesson because so often, we desire better lives. We desire wealth, influence, meaning and purpose in life.

When we see others whose lives resemble what we wish to attain, we are in admiration yet few of us are willing to put in the work. Few of us are willing to go through the struggles and difficulties that come as a result of evolving.

If we are to live in a state of purpose, we must be willing to go through the struggle.

We must be willing to go through the fire. To try. To fail. To be vulnerable because it is through that, we gain the strength needed to do better.

#4: Your Purpose is In Knowing You Were Created for a Reason

“When you recognise your life is meant to serve the world, even when you don’t know how you will leave your unique distinction, you begin to find purpose in all that you do. Your ultimate purpose may not be evident to you now but how are you making where you are now purposeful?”

The question of knowing your purpose is one that everyone goes through. We all want to know our purpose. Knowing your purpose matters because it impacts how you view yourself and the sort of life you lead.

For women seeking to answer the question of knowing what their purpose is, Sarah states that it is more important to know that you have a purpose and find ways to serve right where you are.

That means you should see purpose not as something you need to question but know that as long as you are living and breathing, you have a purpose.

Also, know that your purpose is in the right now.

Your purpose is never too far away from you. It is in the present moment. Make the most of where God has placed you to do what you can to serve.

#5: Incorporate Both Self-Care and Soul Care for a Balanced Life

“I consider running self-care. It’s something I do to take care of myself, but it does not make me feel rested. I feel strong, focused and intentional when I finish running, but I do not feel rested and relaxed. Soul care for me is meditation, reading a book or sleeping.”

To live a life that aligns with who you are, you have to make time for self-care and soul-care.

In her book, Sarah lets us know there is a difference between self-care and soul-care.

She says that self-care may be something that makes you feel good afterwards but does not give you peace in the moment.

As I read this, I found myself agreeing to that statement. There are certain things that I do to give me peace of mind and happiness. When I go for a jog and exercise, I don’t experience immediate peace but it is after that I receive energy and a boost in my mood.

However, when I do certain things like reading, writing, journalling or meditation, it does seem to bring more of an immediate peace of mind from the activity.

You have to learn to differentiate between what brings you self-care and what gives you soul-care because it all leads to a life that feels happier and more purposeful.

In Conclusion….

“Woman Evolve” is a great read and would help you to assess your goals. Your way of living and thinking for you to get on the path of being who you want to be. For you to get on the path to be who God wants you to be.

Have you already read this book or maybe you are already part of the Woman Evolve community?

Do share with me your thoughts about your favourite lessons learned.



Isioma Ononye
Isioma Ononye

Written by Isioma Ononye

👩‍💻I write about my life, self-esteem, faith, mental health, women’s issues, social media & film reviews. 📩Newsletter:

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