How to Build Connected Communities for Sexual Assault Awareness

Say No to sexual assault and say Yes to building connected communities

Isioma Ononye
6 min readApr 8, 2024

This year’s theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, “Building Connected Communities,” rings true, especially in the Nigerian context.

Therefore, creating a network of support around sexual assault awareness is vital for several reasons as Nigeria grapples with the persistent issue of sexual assault, a violation that can occur anywhere — from the safety of one’s home to a workplace and even a supposed sanctuary like a religious institution.

To build connected communities for sexual assault awareness in Nigeria, several things must be done.

For one, there should be outreaches, workshops and discussions in schools, workplaces, rural settings and religious environments.

There should also be educative discussions and support groups online amongst peers, social activists and those in government leadership.

Next, it is crucial to have safe spaces where people can be in conversations about their personal experiences.

Furthermore, there must be better communication and connection with security agencies and judicial officers to support NGOs.

To have a clear means of communication and to ensure that those guilty are reprimanded and face the law.

1. Facilitate Discussions to Empower and Build Communities on Sexual Assault Awareness

To build connected communities around sexual assault awareness, there is an urgent need to have more discussions on sexual assault.

Conversations and discussions around sexual assault are needed as a form of advocacy for people to be better informed on what sexual assault is, how to report it and also the prevention mechanisms.

In the year 2021, I brought together youths to discuss topics on speaking out against abuse and sexual assault in the workplace.

At those events, it was key to have certain figures around such as experts in the field of gender and sexual health, legal and mental health.

The mental health professionals were there to encourage survivors on the best way forward, and how they can move towards healing.

The lawyers were there to inform survivors of their rights and how they can report sexual assault cases.

Having such discussions is pivotal because attendees were better enlightened about sexual assault and the actions that were needed to take if someone found themselves in such a situation.

In addition to having open discussions on sexual assault, conversations must also take place in educational institutions, workplaces and rural settings.

At schools, students must learn about what sexual assault looks like and what should be done about it. Then, they can take charge and have groups amongst their peers to have regular discussions and encourage speaking out.

In workplaces, employers have to make sure that all employees are educated on sexual assault and are aware of the workplace policies around sexual harassment. There should be regular discussions in the workplace about sexual harassment.

Then, there must be outreaches done to rural communities where people can be more aware of sexual assault, prevention methods, and how to report it.

Conversations around sexual assault are always needed because discussions and education on sexual assault create an environment where others can learn more, share knowledge and be the changemakers needed in society.

2. Religious Leaders Must Engage Congregation in Dialogues Around Sexual Assault

In a country like Nigeria where the majority of the population has one form of religion, religious leaders certainly hold great power and can thus influence society’s awareness of sexual assault, not to mention building communities around advocacy and accountability.

Religious leaders must have regular discussions and events with members of the congregation on topics of gender-based violence. They must have their own conversations about sexual assault for everyone.

In such discussions, they must make it known that they strongly condemn acts of sexual assault and sexual violence and also be able to refer those who have personal experiences to the appropriate NGOs and authorities to report and get support.

When religious leaders condemn acts of sexual violence, it enables members to speak out more often and know that acts of violence towards them should not be tolerated or trivialised as the norm.

3. Create Safe Spaces to Have Discussions on Sexual Assault

When it comes to sexual assault awareness, one of the best ways to build connected communities on sexual assault awareness is to create safe spaces.

A safe space provides an environment where people are physically and emotionally safe to express themselves.

Safe spaces are needed to help those who have personal stories and experiences around sexual assault to know that they are not alone. A space where they can open up without bias and judgement and have the means to heal from such experiences.

There are different ways that one can create safe spaces around sexual assault awareness.

One of the ways people can have safe spaces is through the internet. This is having WhatsApp or Facebook groups for people to come together online and share experiences without judgment.

For safe spaces online, there should be separate groups because women and girls might feel more comfortable sharing their stories and challenges when they are amongst the same gender.

Safe spaces can also be created through in-person meetings with survivors of sexual assault.

The meet-ups could be weekly or monthly but having such meetings is significant for people to have a space where they can voice out their opinion, discuss the challenges and find a way forward.

4. Government Officials & Security Representatives Must Support NGOs and Re-Enforce the Severity of Sexual Assault & Build Communities

Police representatives and government officials must work hand in hand with NGOs to be part of their support groups in building communities on sexual assault awareness.

This is important because for survivors of sexual assault to be able to come forward and speak out more, there needs to be more coordination and better collaboration with security agencies and government officials.

If security representatives such as police officers and government officials are part of support groups, then members can get the direct support they need in reporting.

Therefore, these representatives need to be better equipped and trained on how to handle cases of sexual assault. This matters because survivors won’t speak out unless they are being listened to without judgment.

When a survivor comes to report a case of sexual assault, police officers must ensure that their report will not be in vain.

By having police officers and government officials present in support groups, it sends a positive message to members to know that sexual assault is a serious offence.

In Conclusion

There are different ways to build communities and one way is through education and facilitation of fundamental discussions in schools, workplaces and religious institutions about sexual assault, prevention and consequences.

Then, there must be safe spaces to create connected communities; for people to come together, share experiences and have a means of healing.

Then finally, security officials and government officials have to be willing to collaborate and coordinate with NGOs to provide support.

Let’s say No to sexual assault and say Yes to building connected communities both online and in-person, be your brother’s and sister’s keeper to spread the gospel that sexual assault is a violation of human rights and will not be tolerated because everyone has a right to be treated with respect and dignity.

To access sexual assault referral centres in Nigeria, view the directory here: SARCS in Nigeria.



Isioma Ononye
Isioma Ononye

Written by Isioma Ononye

👩‍💻I write about my life, self-esteem, faith, mental health, women’s issues, social media & film reviews. 📩Newsletter:

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