Pitfalls to Avoid on Your Creative Path
Creativity takes place in many different forms. You can be creative as a writer or you can be creative as an artist.
You can also be creative as a designer.
In being creative, it could be through your hobby or it could be part of the work you do.
Whether your creativity is through a hobby or a job, creativity is always something to be enjoyed.
In saying this, note that if you reach a point where creating is no longer something you enjoy but rather something that brings you anxiety, stress, and sadness, then you should consider these points.
There are a few pitfalls to avoid on the road to creative fulfilment.
1. You Don’t Ever Pause
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
When it comes to creativity, consistency matters and we are often told that we must always show up to be relevant. However, your mental health is more important than being seen.
This means that you don’t have to show up all the time.
You don’t have to create when you don’t feel like it because if you allow yourself to keep running without pause, you get burnt out, anxious and stressed.
The result is that you would have taken the joy and fun out of creating.
Therefore, when you don’t feel like creating, give yourself a break. Don’t show up when you do not feel like it.
Allow yourself to breathe more and when you are ready, you can march back in.
2. You take Yourself too Seriously
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
We all have one life to lead and your creativity can be your passion, purpose and possibly livelihood but you are defined by more than what you create.
You are who you are in your core. There is your being and existence even when you don’t produce.
Therefore, let yourself have more fun with your creative process.
Allow yourself to try something new and different even if it doesn’t fit your Instagram aesthetic.
3. You Follow Everyone
Creating, sharing, and connecting is a good thing when you are intentional about it.
You should be mindful of what you consume and who you follow but you don’t have to follow every creative.
If another person’s page triggers negative emotions in you, simply mute or unfollow.
Follow and consume content that feeds, inspires, educates, or entertains you.
4. You want to Monetize Everything
When you are creative for a living, you might feel pressure to monetize everything.
However, it can cause you a lot of stress by having to strategize all the components of monetizing all aspects to your creativity.
This means that you can do some things simply for the fun of it.
You can do some things simply because that’s your bliss.
5. You Wait for the Applause
It can be dangerous to create expecting to be understood and applauded.
It’s dangerous because what if it doesn’t happen all the time?
What if the applause never comes? Would you stop creating then?
Create because you know your why. Create because you enjoy it.
Don’t wait for the applause. Simply put it out there. Revel in your courage and then let it be.
6. You Only Care About What’s Most Popular
Part of the reason why people create based on trends is valid because they want to be relevant but sometimes, what will draw others to you is what makes you different.
We all have our own unique passions and so you shouldn’t only create what’s on “trend.”
Before you look for the latest hashtag or trending topic, consider what you care most about.
7. You Want to Share Everything
Living in the digital age might cause some to believe that every aspect of their lives is meant to be seen but even Beyoncé doesn’t show you everything.
Your followers are not entitled to see every aspect of your life.
You can pick and choose what you want to share and some things about your life are best kept to yourself.
8. You’ve Stopped Cheering Yourself On
As a creative, in order to get out of a creative rut, you should believe in your value and worth because that would enable you to share your work.
To believe in your worth and value as a creative, fill yourself up with self-worth and self-love because if you are not hyping yourself up as a creative, you will easily allow others to talk you down.
In Conclusion
Your creativity is meant to be fun but if you reach a point where you are not having fun while creating, you have to consider some points.
First, you should give yourself a break. Then, also reflect on your process of creating and producing and also, be mindful of the content you follow.
Finally, make sure you are always your biggest cheerleader as you hype yourself up as a creative.